Tag: Socialism

Social Justice Is A Lie

In total contrast to the conservative outlook, liberal and radical ideologies are about desire and determinate futures. The first principle of the Left is the principle of politically constructing a “better world.” Of course, such a future must be consciously…

Hollywood and the Siren Song of Socialism

Mr Sanders Goes to Hollywood. And he got a good reception too. That is, super-liberal Bernie Sanders, Democrat from Vermont who believes in socialistic policies, has a message that apparently resonates with the limousine liberals in Tinseltown. Writing for Hollywood…

Pushing Socialism as A Cure

Bernie Saunders claimed during his last presidential run that America was ready to elect a Socialist to run our country.  Guess he miscalculated somewhat – but not enough to keep him from tossing his hat into the ring for a…

Diversity: A Recipe For Destruction

The attempt to redefine illegal immigration isn’t new.  If you think it has only recently come into the political arena due to the enlightenment of members of our government – you have been had.  It is a full blown concerted…

Now They Are Killing America

The left is winning, but for the left winning is indistinguishable from dying. The embargo didn’t turn Cuba into a hellhole whose main tourism industry was inviting progressive Canadian pedophiles to rape its children. Castro did that with the help…


Secularists and Socialists have been trying to kill Christianity since the turn of the century. Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche a German philosopher from the 19th century coined the phrase, “the death of God”.  Not that Nietzsche  believed in an actual God…

The Christian Taliban? Get Real!

“Today, we face incredibly well-funded gangs of fundamentalist Christian monsters who terrorize their fellow Americans by forcing their weaponized and twisted version of Christianity upon their helpless subordinates in our nation’s armed forces. . . These days, when ANYone attempts to…

A World Without Borders

A world without borders is the dream of the global elite; a dream that will destroy culture, sovereignty, nationalism and individualism; a dream that allows the global elite to divide and enslave, under the banner of Socialism. That was the purpose…

The Screw Walmart Act

Communism may be dead in the public sphere, but socialism, the darling of the left, is alive in the many forms of government intervention we see daily in the marketplace. One widely accepted policy – the minimum wage – is…

Not All Conspiracies Are Theories

“Millionaires are the bees that make the honey.”  Andrew Carnegie The names of most of the men who tried to unite the world are well known – There was Nimrod and Nebuchadnezzar of the Bible,  Genghis Khan, Alexander the Great, Julius…

Venezuela, The Poster Child of Failure

In a smoke-filled college dorm room somewhere in this country, several students lament the failures of capitalism and the United States while offering simple, broad brushed idealistic solutions to the world’s nuanced issues. Between tokes they discuss income inequality, the…