Category: Education

A Clump of Cells?

Science confirms that human life begins at conception, even if the pro-choice movement tends to look upon this as if it were some kind of witchcraft chant. These images were created for a National Geographic 2014 special called “In The…

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Escaping Death Through Technology!

“History began when humans invented gods, and will end when humans become gods.” Yuval Harari, Homo Deus,  Since ancient times man has dreamed of escaping death.  Transhumanism, the idea that man can exceed its current physical and mental limitations by…

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HealthCare Is A $3.4 Trillion Economy

The average person will tell you that healthcare is expensive but they can’t explain why because they don’t understand how it operates. Healthcare is not really a system at all, but a nebulous economy that makes up between 1/5 to…

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Liberal Culture & Totalitarian Democracy

“Liberalism. . .tends to release energy rather than accumulate it, to relax rather than to fortify.  It is a movement not so much defined by its end, as by its starting point; away from rather than toward, something definite.  Our…

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The Islamic Claim to Jerusalem Is A Lie

For the Arabs and Egyptians living in the Holy land now known as Palestine, Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel provides the latest opportunity to step up their violent attacks.  Palestinian Authority (PA) President delivered a speech…

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The Noblest of Virtues

Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously. And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude.  Ralph Waldo Emerson When you…

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True Science Questions Evolution

Dallas’ Baylor University Medical Center surgeon  Joseph Kuhn described three serious problems with Darwinian evolution in a paper titled “Dissecting  Darwinism” for the school’s medical proceedings.  He wrote that all textbooks must teach both the strenths and weakness of evolution. The…

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Immigration Without Assimilation Will Destroy America

Civilizations grow and survive by overcoming successive challenges and break down when they fail to meet some new challenge according to historian Arnold Toynbee. With regard to mass immigration and its attendant problems of multiculturalism, Islamization, and globalism,  America and other…

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The Nanny State’s False Promises

Beginning with Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal, advocates for big government have used the working class poor and middle class Americans to justify their claim that government offers the only protection against the predations of the rich and powerful. The…

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A Republic vs Mob Rule

Well acquainted with tyrants and despots, our Founding Fathers, while wanting the people to have a say in the election of a president, were yet concerned that a charismatic tyrant could manipulate public opinion and come to power.  Their answer…

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Empower People and They Will Prosper

According to a YouGov poll, one-third of millennials view socialism in a favorable light. That’s should come as no surprise since the majority spent twelve years in government indoctrination facilities and at least four more being taught by left-wing professors who instilled in…

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Before Latin American Explodes

We ignore the problems brewing in Latin America and the Caribbean at own peril. The 20 Spanish and Portuguese speaking countries south of the Rio Grande are home to over 6 million people, who account for 7% of the world’s…

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