Category: History

The Writing On The Wall

In circa 539 B.C., while in a drunken stupor, King Belshazzar, grandson of Nebuchadnezzar, ordered the golden and silver vessels taken from the Holy Temple in Jerusalem to be brought to him so that he and his drunken friends could…

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Surrounded by Tyrants

After the Soviet Union’s collapse in 1991, democracy was thought to be irresistible. Instead, barely a quarter-century passed before democracy and freedom were once again enmeshed in the struggle against tyranny. In March of this year, Vladimir Putin was re-elected…

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Druidism was not the worship of some ancient pagans as most of the left would have you to believe.  Ancient British Druidism was the center and the source of civil and ecclesiastical knowledge and practice. The Order constituted its churches,…

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King Solomon’s Temple

If it were not for the visible world in which we live, God would be nothing to us.  It is through the visible creation that the invisible God becomes a reality to man. God is not in one place more…

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The Founding Families’ legacy

“Look down as well as up; no roots, no branches.” – Old Indian chief ACADEMANIA IS TRYING TO DESTROY AMERICA’S ROOTS. There are some sentences that should never be completed: – “America has been good to us, but – – “Don’t…

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Exactly How Stupid Do You Have To Be?

Way down south in Venezuela, they’ve eaten their cats and dogs—and the animals in the zoo. In North Korea, I’ve heard they’re eating one another. And in Sweden (as in much of Europe) hostile barbarian savages are eating Western Civilization…

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At What Point Does Paranoia Become Prudence?

Most minorities have some form of “family voice,” be it a radio station or published periodical. The purpose of these minority media, aside from social news, is to inform group members of concerns, dangers, and threats. Sometimes, these closed media…

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Rewriting History

“There is nothing new in the story. It is as old as the sibylline books. It falls into that long, dismal catalogue of the fruitlessness of experience and the confirmed unteachability of mankind.   Want of foresight, unwillingness to act when…

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The Push To Isolate Israel

One has to ask why are so many grandchildren of Nazis and Nazi collaborators once again declaring war on the Jews? Why are we seeing an increase in anti-Semitism and irrationally virulent anti-Zionism in Western Europe? According to Alan Dershowitz,…

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The Lock on the Chain

Many of us have heard of the Constitution of the United States referred to as “The chains that bind government.” Those “chains” have a “lock”. Unfortunately, those with intent to unlock this lock have had such great success that few…

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