Tag: abortion

Pro-Death Ugliness On Full Display

Sometimes you just gotta see it to believe it. The secular left can come up with the most outrageous, imbecilic and just plain ghastly things around. One could put together a series of books just highlighting the things found on…

Death Without Dignity

“It is impossible to further the common good without acknowledging and defending the right to life, upon which all the other inalienable rights of individuals are founded and from which they develop. . .Only respect for life can be the…

If Abortionists Used Guns?

Every argument in the world is based on perspective. That truism is becoming more and more obvious as we journey farther and farther down the rat-hole that has become public debate. The more divided America becomes the more emotions come…

Murder for Hire

“Eugenics is so heavily subsidized by government because it is a major source of fresh body parts for corporation and academic research which is nothing more than modern day versions of the human experimentation labs administered by mass murders such…

Victims of Abortionist Robert Rho

For Robert Rho, destroying tiny lives was all in a day’s work. He performed so many abortions, more than 40,000, that one more death probably seemed insignificant — until 2016, when that death was one of his 30-year-old patients.  …

Slapping Lipstick on a Pig

In their never ending attempt attempt to breathe life into the global warming scam, academia, the elite and the U.N. continues their assault upon common sense by prophesying doom and gloom for the world’s population in hopes of scaring us…

Trump Can Defund Planned Parenthood

Back home for the weekend, I’m hearing from plenty of Members of Congress. Their constituents weren’t happy with the $1.3 trillion omnibus spending bill to begin with, but they’re irate that Congress co-signed another massive check to America’s largest abortion…

Science Confirms Life Begins At Conception

It wasn’t that long ago that Obama’s Justice Department  argued before the Supreme Court that killing a human embryo by preventing it from impanting “in his or her” mother’s uterus was not an abortion, therefore, drugs that kill embryos in this matter are…

Forty Days for Life

Earlier this month, my wife and I were introduced to the Forty Days for Life campaign by a friend we first met at First Wesleyan Church in Roanoke, Virginia. Although our two families moved on to other churches and towns,…

Playing God to Justify Murder

A 2012 paper “After Birth Abortion: Why Should The Baby Live?”  by Alberto Gibilini and Francesca Minerva of the University of Melbourne, appeared in the electronic version of the Journal of Medical Ethics, using a pro-abortion argument to support infanticide.”…

Is Murder of the Disabled Justifiable?

In 2013 the New York Times  published an article titled “My Abortion, at 23 Weeks.” The author explained that she was pregnant with twins, a boy and a girl.  The boy however was diagnosed with a herniated diaphragm and would…

Roe v. Wade Is not Law

By Pastor David Whitney There was a day when this sweet land of liberty honored God’s Holy Law and anyone who dishonored it was not respected. There have been many turning points for our land, points when we turned away from…