Tag: abortion

Dehumanizing the Victims

Abortion: When Words Can Kill   Jane Hodgson, who died about a decade ago, was celebrated in liberal circles as a pioneer of abortion rights. She was a master at justifying the killing of human life in the womb. Writing…

A Life Worth Sacrificing

Is an unborn baby “a life worth sacrificing?”   The question is horrifying, but the argument was all too real. How much of a self-absorbed narcissist do you have to be to see the murder of your child as a noble…

A Killing Zone for the Unborn

Isaiah the prophet warns in chapter 5, verse 20: “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” America was settled…

A Nation Gone Under

Ronald Reagan once said “that if we ever stop being one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone under!” Take a good look around you, not as a Democrat, Republican or Libertarian, but as the citizen of a nation…

That’s What Christians Do Now

  In 1973 the Supreme court said it was OK to murder unborn babies.  Since then, we have murdered more than the entire population of Canada.  And it continues. A woman’s choice?  Half of those who have died in their mother’s wombs…

First Do No Harm?

Doctors in the U.S. cannot be forced to perform abortions or assist in the death of their patients at the present. But that may soon change. Bioethicists and other medical elites have launched a frontal assault against doctors that prefer…

And the Magic Word Is – Equality!

Although the word is shouted far and wide, we seldom consider what we actually mean by EQUALITY, neither do we question exactly what measurements or characteristics constitute “equal.” By and large, invocations of equality are merely used to ward off good…

Live Birth Abortions

Is it possible that, to the left, “unwanted” actually means “not worthy of life?”    Is it even possible to compare the wrong caused by procuring the death of an innocent unborn baby, to the murder of one that has already…

Which Black Lives Matter?

Once again we have been subjected to a gang of criminals claiming that they riot, beat and threaten white people because they have been oppressed. If they have been oppressed, it is oppression that they have laid claim too since…

The Unborn Feel Pain

“The prospect of fetal pain, pain that results from abortion – cuts through philosophical abstractions and scientific nomenclature, proceeding directly to the heart.  A being that feels pain makes an urgent demand for recognition.  Functioning neurological structures necessary for pain…

It’s Time To Curb The Court

“The greatest dangers to liberty lurk in insidious encroachment by men of zeal – well meaning but without understanding.”  Justice  Louis D. Brandeis, 1928 According to some pro-lifers Congress should be ashamed that they have allowed the murder of innocent…

Abortion: The Silent Scream

“A fetus isn’t a baby.” “A woman has a right to choose.” “It isn’t a baby until it’s born.”  “Abortion isn’t murder.” These are often the most common statements tossed around by pro-abortion activists.  But the people who know the…

The Horrors Of Abortion

Warning:  The following video contains graphic testimony on the horrors of abortion. Dr. Anthony  Levatino, OB/GYN testified before the House Subcommittee on the Constitution during a hearing for HR 3803 the “District of Columbia Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. …


You started your life in the womb. And you won’t believe your eyes when you see these incredible images of human development before birth. 4 days after fertilization – the zygote possesses a predetermined sex – ITS A GIRL –…

Your Donations and The Pink Ribbon

Why would an organization so dedicated to stopping breast cancer continue to pour money into Planned Parenthood: a group that profits off of pushing abortions and contraceptives (both proven to be directly linked BACK to breast cancer).  Doesn’t seem to…