Tag: abortion

God Does Not Support Abortion

“As thou knowest not what is the way of the spirit, nor how the bones do grow in the womb of her that is with child; even so thou knowest not the works of God who maketh all.” Ecclesiastes 11:5…

Not All Choice Is Morally Valid

“I deplore the horrible crime of child murder. . .No matter what the motive, love of ease or a desire to save from suffering the unborn innocent, the woman is awfully guilty who commits the deed.  Guilty?  Yes. . .It…

The Demographic Winter.

Everybody likes a good apocalypse. The thought of an imminent end of the world gives a certain pungency and urgency to life.   For some Protestants Christ is going to return in glory and all the true believers will be raptured…

When Life Has No Meaning!

Death means the end of life as we know it. To Christians it is only a step into eternity. To the medical profession, it means the heart has stopped beating and the brain is no longer functioning. To a few…

Growing Up As A Specimen

Even with the millions of unborn babies murdered each year in the name of progress, the far-left is not convinced that it is enough.   Now they would have us believe that to save the planet we must do more than…

We the Born

Long before the Constitution was written, Rev. John Winthrop, the founder of Boston and leader of the first major migration of the Puritans from England, told his followers in the famous “City on a Hill” speech (actually called, “A Model…

Live and Let Live Is Not Enough

It’s not enough anymore to simply live and let live. Like many of my generation, I was brought up that way. Others may behave in a manner with which I do not agree. Others may even behave in a manner…

Should Infanticide be Legal?

Peter Singer, a bioethicists, believes he is too humane to eat a hamburger because animals should have rights, yet has no qualms about murdering children before and after birth.  Singer believes that an unborn child only acquires “moral significance” at…

Perversion and Immorality vs. Trump’s MAGA

A few decades ago the push for the new PC and diversity was spearheaded by debate and dialog, but today politically activist judges, agency appointees and others are pulling rule changes right out of the hat – indiscriminately. The enforcement…

Killing Babies, Killing Freedom

We have been fighting the never-ending abortion war for 45 years. The Supreme Court made abortion legal in 1973 with the Roe V. Wade decision. This was one of the rulings declaring to the world the Supreme Court had decided…

Cannibalizing Babies So Mice Can Live

In a development that is almost too Nazi-esque to believe, our own government is working with Planned Parenthood to get “fresh” tissue from aborted babies to produce “humanized mice.” Although it is almost impossible to believe, every word you read…