Month: July 2012

NRA Addresses U.N. Small Arms Negotiators

NRA Executive Vice President, Wayne LaPierre: The NRA is the largest and most active firearms rights organization in the world, with four million members who represent 100 million law abiding Americans who own firearms. On behalf of those 100 million…

UN Prefers Dead Babies

Numerous European countries have baby hatches or boxes that allow mothers to safely and anonymously abandon unwanted newborns.  Advocates say the boxes prevent infanticide, abortion and abandonment.  But the U.N. Committee on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) is pushing…

Will Boehner Sell Us Out Again?

Government funding ends on September 30.   The House has the option and I hope the good sense, to include language in the new funding bill to prohibit the administration from using any money to implement ObamaCare. Don’t forget that the…

Creating Felons for Money is Big Business

The bible teaches that “The LOVE of MONEY is the root of all evil”, and once again….money has reared it’s ugly face through the prison system as human are being marketed like produce. Operating inside a $74 billion industry, major players are…

Socialism Is Just A Con Game

There is a delusion among pro-socialist in America that we are the richest country in the world and as such it is absurd that the establishment does not pay for our health care.  They constantly rant about Canadian health care and…

Slobbering Over Obama

If there is any doubt left that the drive-by media have forgotten what objective journalism is, read the following collection of quotes from  Media Research Center. Nancy Gibbs, November 17, 2008 Time Magazine cover story:  “Some princes are born in…

The Oathkeepers

The oath keepers and other patriots are all that stand between “We the People” and a government verging on evil. Alan Caruba I regard the next four months between now and the election to be the most dangerous that the…