Tag: common sense

The Fiscal Cliff In Nondefinable Terms

The biggest question we have to ask ourselves is there really a fiscal cliff or is it just the matter of a crisis too good to waste?  Is Obama really attempting to fix the economy or push his socialist agenda?  Is Boehner …

The 2013 Bipartisan Recession

Gary North wrote an interesting, lengthy article in which he explains how “Boehner Has Obama by the Boondoggles.” On January 1, 2013, federal taxes will go up – there is no way around it.   Both Boehner and Obama are sniffing…

Katrina On The Hudson

“The response since the time the president got all this praise and credit and press ops has been abysmal,”  Rudy Giuliani told Fox News Channel. “FEMA is as much a failure now as at the time of Katrina.” Under Katrina,…

Obama and Big Al: Milking “Sandy”

Poor, poor Al Gore.  He doesn’t get any respect – or publicity  unless like Al Sharpton he creates  his own. Using the far-left mantra of “never let a crisis go to waste,”  Big Al jumped in with his “sky is falling” theory…

When Did God Make Man Judge?

A recent article by Franklin Graham asked  “Can An Evangelical Christian Vote For A Mormon?”   Graham’s answer – YES “Historically Christians have voted for candidates of different faiths, including Mormon, based on how they live their lives and how…

Our Wallets Need A Break

Pick up any 40 year old science book on chemistry, biology, geology, physics, astronomy or medicine and you’ll find a slew of “facts” and theories that have been proven wrong or are no longer the “consensus” view.  Climatology is no…

Allegiance to Color: Skin for Skin

by Dr. Clenard Childress, Jr., Senior Pastor at New Calvary Baptist Church in Montclaire, N.J.   Dr. Childress is the founder of Blackgenocide.org and President of North East LEARN, one of the largest African-American pro-life groups in the United States. Without…

Tea Party Terrorist Take Over South Carolina Town

Under the influence of  homegrown terrorists,  activists have  take over the government of Darlington, SC.  They now occupy City Hall, have disbanded city council, put the mayor under house arrest and disarmed local police.  With Darlington now under their control, the militia…

Are There Limits To Sexual Freedom?

In the second century, the Roman physician Galen named a common ailment whose symptoms included a burning sensation in the urinary tract and the release of pus.  Combining the Greek word for seed – “gonos” and flow “rhoia”, the word…