Category: Education

Terrorism: The Greatest Threat We Will Ever Face

Islam is a diverse religion. While many Muslims immigrants have assimilated Western ideals of free speech and religious tolerance, the radical tendencies which exist in Islam are unambiguously present and they continue to fuel terrorism and supremacist ideologies on a scale…

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Profiling Your Child

Every year thousands of students take the National Assessment of Educational Progress, a federal authorized test known as the nation’s report card.  Beginning this year, the NAEP will ask background questions designed to gauge each child’s level of “motivation, mindset, and grit.”…

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The Unborn Feel Pain

“The prospect of fetal pain, pain that results from abortion – cuts through philosophical abstractions and scientific nomenclature, proceeding directly to the heart.  A being that feels pain makes an urgent demand for recognition.  Functioning neurological structures necessary for pain…

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It’s Time To Curb The Court

“The greatest dangers to liberty lurk in insidious encroachment by men of zeal – well meaning but without understanding.”  Justice  Louis D. Brandeis, 1928 According to some pro-lifers Congress should be ashamed that they have allowed the murder of innocent…

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The Age of Ignorance

“The aim of public education is not to fill the young of the species with knowledge and awaken their intelligence. . . . Nothing could be further from the truth. The aim . . . is simply to reduce as…

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Making Men Obsolete

Isn’t it always the case when science attempts to play God that it’s for the collective good? We are speeding toward a time when human skin cells or embryonic stem cells could be morphed into creating new life, according to researchers…

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The Left Join Terrorists To Destroy Israel

Hamas was founded by Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, a Palestinian cleric who became an activist in local branches of the Muslim Brotherhood after dedicating his early life to Islamic scholarship in Cairo.  Yassin established Hamas as the Brotherhood’s local political arm in…

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The Fundamental Maxims of True Liberty

In 1796, President George Washington spoke to the nation, not only giving his Farewell Address,  but a warning to the dangers that face us and to the pride that we should reserve for this great country.  His admonition  still rings true to this day.…

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Abortion: The Silent Scream

“A fetus isn’t a baby.” “A woman has a right to choose.” “It isn’t a baby until it’s born.”  “Abortion isn’t murder.” These are often the most common statements tossed around by pro-abortion activists.  But the people who know the…

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The Horrors Of Abortion

Warning:  The following video contains graphic testimony on the horrors of abortion. Dr. Anthony  Levatino, OB/GYN testified before the House Subcommittee on the Constitution during a hearing for HR 3803 the “District of Columbia Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. …

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Islam: The Opposite of Freedom

When Keith Ellison of Minnesota became the first Muslim American elected to Congress he took the oath to defend our Constitution using a Quran that once belonged to Thomas Jefferson.   Can one swear on the Quran to defend a Constitution that…

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Middle East Problem

The Middle East conflict is framed as one of the most complex problems in the world. But, in reality, it’s very simple. Israelis want to live in peace and are willing to accept a neighboring Palestinian state. And most Palestinians…

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