Category: Transparency

And the Magic Word Is – Equality!

Although the word is shouted far and wide, we seldom consider what we actually mean by EQUALITY, neither do we question exactly what measurements or characteristics constitute “equal.” By and large, invocations of equality are merely used to ward off good…

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Can We Survive Iran?

In December 2016, the leaders of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards threatened to intervene in Bahrain and Yemen. Bolstered by Syria’s victory in Aleppo, with the assistance of sectarian militia of Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Hezbollah and Russia, Iranian Brigadier General Ramadan Shariff…

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Socialism Kills The Human Spirit

In 1917 Viadimir Lenin imposed socialism on Russian in only a matter of months.  Swept along by revolutionary fervor and the mandate of Marxism, Lenin  confiscated landed estates, nationalized banks, criminalized stock and bond sales, and took control of small industrial enterprises. …

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Banks “Red Flagging” Everyday Transactions for DHS

Last month, ‘Public Intelligence‘ released a Financial Crimes Enforcement Network document revealing how banks are spying on our everyday transactions for DHS. Our bank transactions are being reported to DHS The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) is issuing this advisory to provide…

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In This Age of Victimhood

The Greeks gave us the idea that life is never fair – choices are sometimes only between the bad and the far worse, so says Victor Davis Hanson, writer, historian and former classics professor. In contrast modern Americans gave the world…

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GMOs: Genetic Roulette

Genetic roulette – The Gamble of Our Lives was winner of the top Transformational Film in 2012 and 2012 movie of the year by Solari Report.  The film featured testimony from health care practitioners, scientists, veterinarians, parents, etc. concerning the…

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Altered Genes, Twisted Truth

“Sin has many tools, but a lie is the handle which fits them all.”  Oliver Wendell Holmes Although the US has the strictest food safety laws in the world governing new additives, the FDA has allowed genetically manipulated foods, one…

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Selective Breeding and Cutting Edge Stuff

Chances are you’ve seen more than a few stories discussing the possibility of extending the act of genetic modification into the human race.   Hey, they’ve already destroyed our food supply, why not our species!  Meet George Church, a true nutty professor with a…

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