Tag: Constitution

Dismantling Immigration Laws

While Obama dismantles our immigration laws,   DHS has been deporting illegal immigrants like mad – or at least both would have us believe.  It turns out that they both are liars.  They have been fudging the numbers for the peasants.…

Is The Government Smarter Than You?

America is a Republic, a government by the people.  It is not a government run by an elite few nor ruled by a singular individual.  Government gains legitimacy because of the consent of the people it governs. If you ask…

Dishonest Liberals

Mychal Massie  Liberals are a dishonest, disingenuous lot and none more so than left-wing wacko minions who subscribe to a variant form of Neo-Leninism.  What I find particularly insulting about them is their intellectual dishonesty when it comes to dealing…

God and the Affairs of Men

How… have not hitherto once thought of humbly applying to the Father of lights to illuminate our understandings? In the beginning of the contest with G. Britain, when we were sensible of danger we had daily prayer in this room…

The Freedom Platform

The Freedom Platform is a bottom-up call for reform from grassroots activists across the country to the Republican Party.  We want bold change in Washington and the reforms proposed in the Platform reflect these demands. Conservative voters demand a commitment…

Degrading The Constitution

Last November, in  an effort to further degrade the Constitution,  Rep. Jim McGovern, D-MA, joined by Nancy Pelosi, D-CA and  26 other  progressive Democrats and one Rino, introduced House Joint Resolution 88 proposing a “People’s Rights Amendment” to the U.S.…

A Nation in Crisis

A Nation in Crisis (But the Solutions Are There) By Herman Cain It’s in my nature to be cheerful and optimistic, and I am optimistic about the future of the United States. But it’s not in my nature to be…

What Defines A Natural Born Citizen?

Has Romney  made his decision on his Vice Presidential pick?  Republicans are beginning to fall all over themselves in  an effort to redefine Natural Born Citizen which would clear Rubio for the GOP ticket. In an article Fred Thompson  wrote, “Is…