Tag: Election

You Want Some Cheese With That Whine?

On the 26th Obama was campaigning in Atlanta trying to milk it for money.  He whined to his audience that those mean old nasty (racists) Republicans were outspending him.  All that campaign money didn’t bother him in 2008 when he…

Coal Matters

Coal is still the critical fuel behind the everyday functions of our lives.  In recent years nearly half the electricity that lights urban buildings, streets, keeps air conditioners humming,  energizes computers and Televisions.  Electricity generated with coal powers the factories…

Hillary Wants To Be Pristine for 2016

There’s a rumor floating around that the Clintons and Obama are going to cut a deal to make Hillary the Vice President on the 2012 ticket.  Joe Biden, of course, would step down pleading health reasons and Hillary would resign…

The Numbers Refute Obama’s Claim

According to Obama he is the most miserly President in the last 60 years.  He claims to have prevented the “next great depression” with his spending stimulus and, anyway, it’s all Bush’s fault! When speaking  a fundraiser in Baltimore, Obama pretty…

From A DHS Insider

It was not one contact, but a series of contacts over the last month from which the following information was developed from my source within the Department of Homeland Security. My initial article citing this specific source was published on May…

Selective Memory Syndrone

Democratic strategist Julian Epstein, on MSNBC, commented on the reporter from the Daily Caller interrupting President Obama’s speech in the Rose Garden where he announced his new, I need Latino voters, immigration policy. Epstein said that “I think this is…

Obama Cares only For Himself

There are a lot of fools out there.  How do you spot these fools?  Just ask them whether or not they think President Obama is “looking out for them” or not.  If they answer yes and then proceed to tell…

The Obama Magic is Flagging

Last Friday night, the nation’s capital was under a tornado attack.  And, that was the best thing that happened to the White House all week. On Thursday, Bill Clinton once more telegraphed that he considers Obama a light weight who…