Tag: Energy

Al Gore: The Pizza Delivery Boy

This is a lesson from Jon Rappoport on how the major media can slant and distort facts.  Let’s start with the explosive facts, as revealed in a Washington Post story, “Al Gore Has Thrived As Green-Tech Investor.” Al Gore, the man…

Environmental Double Standards

Paul Driessen,  Senior Policy Advisor for the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow, writes that the “duplicity and hypocrisy of environmental pressure groups seem to be matched only by their consummate skill at manipulating pubic opinion, amassing political power, securing taxpayer…

Our Wallets Need A Break

Pick up any 40 year old science book on chemistry, biology, geology, physics, astronomy or medicine and you’ll find a slew of “facts” and theories that have been proven wrong or are no longer the “consensus” view.  Climatology is no…

Property Rights and The Rule of Law

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor has released a 36 page pdf report detailing Obama’s imperial presidency.  To quote Cantor: “Property Rights and the rule of law are essential for the proper and efficient functioning of society and the economy.  When…

Obama’s 2nd Term War Plan Against Everyone

Beginning in 2013 American families will face an EPA  regulatory onslaught that will drive up energy prices, destroy millions of jobs and further weaken the economy, making 2012 look prosperous  in comparison. Carol Browner, Obama’s former global warming czar and now…

Wake Up America: It Is Now Or Never

In 1981 the CIA published a report of its assessment of the Russian economy, concluding that in the USSR economic prospects were “gloomier and policy choices more difficult than at any time since Stalin’s death.” “During the past few years,…

Bleak Future For American Energy

The Interior Department announced mid summer a new plan that will lock up more than 85% of our offshore areas to energy production.   The five year proposal allows for only 15 new offshore leases in the Gulf and Alaska while…

Chicken Little Energy Policies

Paul Driessen writes that back in the 1970s many scientists feared a new ice age caused by fossil fuels would cause glaciers to expand.  A 1975 Newsweek cover story reported that “the earth’s climate seems to be cooling down.”  Meteorologists…

Elite To Save The World – Even If It Kills Us

A small group of  climate scientists, financed by billionaires, including Bill Gates, are lobbying governments and international bodies (U.N.) to back experiments to manipulate the world’s  climate.  Apparently they don’t care that global warming has been proven to be a…