Tag: healthcare

Tom Perriello: Still Fighting For The Left

Tom Perriello, the former Virginia 5th District Congressman,   now President of The Center For American Progress Action, a grass roots far left organization affiliated with the Progressive movement,  sent out an email praising the Supreme Court’s decision on ObamaCare.   One of…

Does Obama Hate The Military?

In yet another “up yours” to the brave men and women who put their lives on the line to protect this country,    Obama proposed plans to cut health care benefits for active and retired military while not adjusting benefits for civil…

Liberty Took A Temporary Hit

While the Supreme court’s health care decision was unconstitutional, illogical and borderline insane, it wasn’t that much of a surprise given the Court’s past decisions.  But, what did surprise me the most was Justice Roberts going over to the dark…

Socialized Medicine’s Pathway To Death

You know how much Obama loves British socialized medicine.  If Obamacare isn’t repealed or the Supreme Court doesn’t rule it unconstitutional,  America will soon follow the British health care system to euthanasia. A British Professor, Patrick Pullicino,  claims  that Britian’s socialized…

Two Weeks For Freedom

Two Weeks For Freedom: Churches Standing Together For Religious Freedom, Tuesday,  June 19, at 8:00 P.M. Churches from across denominational lines will come together for a special newscast to mark the beginning of a two week period of nationwide prayer…

Pope Nancy the 1st

Is Pelosi suffering from mini strokes or has all that botox seeped into her brain? In her infinite wisdom, she  has decided that those 43 Catholic institutions that dared to file those nasty little lawsuits challenging HHS mandates requiring them…

Catholic Church Calls For Civil Disobedience

Obama painted the Catholic church into a corner and now they’ve come out fighting.   Forty-three plaintiffs, including the archdioceses of New York and Washington, and the University of Notre Dame, have filed twelve separate lawsuits against the Obama administration, alleging…

ObamaCare: The Whole Truth

Obama and the progressives who support his socialist agenda took a step toward genocide on March 30, 2010. ObamaCare is nothing but a government intrusion that impedes doctors’ ability to provide the best care for their patients.  It violates patient…


 Merchants of Despire Obama’s Destructive Government in 7:20 The only way to STOP Obama is With Your Vote Because Congress hasn’t the backbone to do the right thing an impeach him! (please share this video with your friends)    

Pelosi – Dipstick or Shrewd

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Thursday that Obamacare facilitates the type of “liberation” that the “Founders had in mind” because it allows you to quit your job and become a “photographer,”  a “writer,” a “musician”–or “whatever.” “As you…

Doctors Speak Out Against Obamacare

From the website ads4truth: Why are we here? We believe that the doctors who actually care for America’s patients have valuable insight and wisdom to share. We have waited too long for a national voice to inform the average American…