Author: Rretta

When Did Parents Surrender Their Rights?

President Obama and the ACLU have joined forces to advance a new component of the pro-homosexual agenda that will impact every public school student in America.  The statement released by the White House said that “Obama is proud to support…

Black Version of the KKK

According to Carol Swain, professor of Law and Political Science at Vanderbilt University, black leaders such as Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton have used the death of Trayon Martin to stir racial division for political gain.  “Today, black leaders don’t…

Moses Morphed Into A Muslim

Rewriting the history of Israel is nothing new to the Palestinians.  It is an attempt to deny Israel’s existence, erase  Jewish history and invent ancient Palestine, Muslim and Arab histories in the land.   Dr. Yussuf Alzamili, Chairman of the History…

Neo-Eugenicists Hone Population Control Agenda

Kari Norgaard, a professor of sociology and environmental studies at the University of Oregon called “climate Change skepticism” a sickness that must be treated as an aberrant sociological behavior.  She thinks (?) that resolving skepticism about climate change is a challenge equitable…

In Defense of Private Property Rights

Senator Rand Paul introduced S 2122, the “Defense of Environment and Property Act of 2012”  on February 16 of this year to  reform federal water policy to protect land owners from the EPA.   Rand’s bill would define “navigable waters” to…

Chrislam In America?

PBS ran a documentary on the practice of Chrislam in Nigeria in 2009. Fred De Sam Lazaro said that Pastor Shamsuddin Saka has at least 1,500 practitioners of Chrislam that see no fault line between Islam and Christianity. In Nigeria…


Obama’s 2013 budget is the gift that keeps on giving – to government.  One little “surprise” hidden in the massive assault on common sense is his proposal to triple the tax rate on corporate dividends. Obama wants to assault America…